近日章炎麟课题组标题为‘Insight into the photochemistry of atmospheric oxalate through hourly measurements in the northern suburbs of Nanjing, China’文章被大气环境领域著名期刊Science of the Total environment(影响因子:5.6)接收,论文的第一作者是应用气象学院硕士研究生张春燕,合作指导老师杨池博士。


图1. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) of aerosol particles of Nanjing in spring (May 7th) daytime (8:00–20:00, left), and the evening of the next day (20:00–8:00, right).

该工作重点揭示了大气颗粒物中草酸盐的日变化和季节变化等分布特征背后铁参与的化学机制,并验证该机制在草酸盐大气分布中的作用。此外,模拟实验中只有少量的草酸盐在铁参与的化学途径中转化成甲酸和乙酸,该途径对于大气中甲酸等有机酸的贡献还需要深入探索。图2. (a) The diurnal variation of correlation between oxalate and formic acid (gas) in January 2017; (b) The distribution of intermediates (formate and acetate) in the oxalate-iron photochemical system.
